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Would like to grow in a certain area of your life? Do you struggle with stress? Are you troubled by certain problems?

In some of those areas mentioned above, ones own wisdom and experience are not sufficient enough to develop or overcome the situation! As a trained counselor in the psycho-social area (Swiss state exam) I offer my knowledge and experience to evaluate your situation, set goals together with you and go alongside the process of development!

During our lifetime we might experience significant events - so called traumata! They shake us to the bone and more than often limit us in our capacity to engage with our life and others as we used to. Trauma focussed counselling is directed to help with the day-to-day coping with the consequences and moving towards an integration of these events into our biography

Costs: 120 CHF/hour

Office hours:  by appointment

Location: FEG-Leimental, Mühlemattstr. 35b, 4104 Oberwil

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